Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bedroom 4 continued

So we've finished insulating and putting up the vapour barrier in bedroom 4, and started to gyprock the walls now. We've run out of gyprock so we can't do the whole room, but we are getting a delivery of 30 more sheets on Monday. We had our first visitor over, who helped us put the gyprock in place on the sloped ceilings. We've plastered what we can and finish that side of things once the delivery has arrived. Unfortunately the ceiling got damaged whilst we were taking the walls down, and the cracks in the original plaster have got so bad, I feel it's not salvageable. This means we'll have to take the plaster off the ceiling too. So I'm going to have to hire a drywall hoist to lift the panels up to ceiling level as I can't lift a panel over my head (yet!). This isn't a major problem as such, as there are several other parts of the 2nd floor which are going to need a hoist to get the panels up. So I'm going to have to wait to do that - prep the ceiling in bedroom 4, then remove wall covering and prep the landing.

All this with a baby coming soon. Hmm - not sure how successful that's going to be!

Below are some photos of the state of bedroom 4 as it stands.

Still to do in bedroom 4:
  • Remove the ceiling
    • Add vapour barrier
    • Insulate the ceiling
    • Re-gyprock the ceiling
    • Finish plastering (aka mudding) the room
  • Add a closet
  • Add coving round the room. This might involve moving the light switches too.
  • Prime and paint the walls
  • Add cubby holes above the stairs?
  • Replace the bannisters
    • Work out how to replace the small square spindles with more attractive spindles so the railings aren't at a dangerous height.
  • Sand and varnish the floor

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