Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sorting out the bumps in Bumpkin's room

We've only got one sloping ceiling panel left to do! We spent the day doing a jigsaw of pieces of drywall, trying to get all the power outlets and light switches in the right places. Very time consuming, and surprisingly difficult compared to yesterday's easy 'wins'. We bought a medium sized tub of ready mixed 'drywall compound' (Canada's way of saying 'plaster' - too hard eh?), which we've used about half of already filling over the screw heads, and some of the gaps. I suspect we'll need another tub before we finish the room. I think the bigger tub next time considering this is the first room in the house we've got anywhere near finished.

Tomorrow we've got the electrician's back in hopefully to finish the upstairs. We'll try and work around them. It would be nice to get as much done in the nursery as possible before our weekend off. Yes - a whole weekend off.


Err - not entirely a weekend without DIY. Technically we've not picked up any tools, nor done any work at the house. However we did spend several hours in Home Depot and Renovators Resource buying bits for the house. Does that count?

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