Friday, November 5, 2010

The Nursery

We need to get the nursery up to scratch soon. Most of the plaster on the walls and ceiling is peeling off the wall, so we've started to remove the plaster off the lathe with a view to putting it back once we're done.

Not bad for an hour and a half or so's work.

More destruction

Having removed some of the plaster, we looked at the way the roof ran inside the house, and realised that there was a big chunk of space taken out of one side. Having decided that we were going to 'gyprock' (plaster board to those in the UK) the room, we went to investigate inside. You'll see timbers in the photos that are clearly original to the house - including some of the bark from the trees they came from. Possibilities here include:
  • Removing the timbers: Very very unlikely as they are holding up the roof
  • Putting new gyprock over the timbers: Less likely as we don't gain much by doing so
  • Trying to utilise the space in some way - perhaps leaving the timbers exposed: Much more likely as it gives us some space, and creates a feature for an otherwise small room.
In the mean time we're removing the rest of the lathe. We're trying to keep as much of it as we can so we can utilise it elsewhere in the house. Photos of the new destruction to follow.

Today we finish removing the lathe from the walls, and clean up ready for the when the electrician comes in to replace the power in there. After that, we'll insulate the exterior walls, and then 'gyprock' (plasterboard to you and I) the walls and we'll have our nursery back!

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