We've finally got the gas meter changed over from the pre-paid meter to a proper meter. No more messing around with having to go to the local co-op to get buy more gas.
The plumber also returned last night to fix the boiler. It turns out our cat had better instincts than the plumber. For weeks our cat has been going outside and staring intently at the flue for the gas boiler. One time, we even found her on top of the boiler in the kitchen. We couldn't for the life of us, work out why. There was no obvious sign that there was a nest in there and we'd not seen any birds flying in or out of the flue. Turns out the reason the boiler wasn't working was because at some point a bird had got in and out of the boiler, but had obviously spent some time there as some of the air intake was blocked up with bird poo! So a bit of cleaning later, and we have a fully functional boiler and a warm house at last. Melody is ecstatic.
We've also finish the TV cabinet in the living room - pictures coming soon :)
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