Monday, November 3, 2008

Shocking news!

We had a very productive day - and on occasions rather frustrating when I realised I didn't have all the parts to all my tools :( The router has a width gauge which seems to have gone walkies. It's in one of the boxes - I just don't know which one. I'm sure it's a clear-ish plastic one. But we have quite a few of them!

A few victories yesterday:

New exterior light as the old one was HORRIBLE:New exterior light fitting

Some minor disasters.

Where we were taking the tiles off the walls in the kitchen and stairs, the plaster underneath isn't too sound and was coming off in chunks right back to the brickwork. Looks like we're going to have to learn how to plaster:

No plasterNo plaster
When I got a drill bit set for Christmas, I didn't think I'd be using some of the items. For example the foot long masonry drill bit:
Why did the previous owners think that the above light switch was safe? It's got CHUNKS missing!

I did manage to electrocute myself a little bit. I was re-hanging one of the light switches, had isolated the power but didn't drill the holes for the box in the right place. So I had to put the power back on to drill the holes and then forgot to isolate the power. I got a bit of a shock through my hand when my palm touched the live and neutral wires. That'll teach me to mess with the electrics when I'm tired!

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